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Preparing android emulator for UI test automation.

This post is about setting up android emulator for UI test automation. Properly configured emulator is the basis for reliable tests. Hundreds or thousands of professionally written test cases is great but if they become flaky because of the environment they are running on, their value reduces a lot. I will give you a couple of advices I'm following in my test automation projects. In general we will go through below topics: Managing emulator system animations Controlling soft keyboard appearance Changing emulator system locale Tweaking first and second points will reduce to minimum flakiness in our automated tests which can be caused by emulator. For those who are lazy to read the whole article at the bottom of the post I shared youtube video where I describe the same points with one more additional hint on top :) 1. There are three types of system animation we may control: window animation scale transition animation scale animator duration scale Emulator
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