Recently I had a need to adapt my Espresso tests to operate on RecyclerView after migration from ListViews. The current actions that are available for RecyclerView based on item position working fine but I don't like to be dependent on position since data in my tests is created dynamically.
I've googled the ViewHolder matchers and found only this link without any practical examples - RecyclerViewActions.
Then based on already created Matcher<Object> used in onData(...) I've created Matcher<VH> which was not so difficult.
Let's assume each item in RecyclerView adapter has subject, represented by TextView. The below matcher will search for item in RecylerView with unique subject which I provide into matcher. Feel free to use it:
I've googled the ViewHolder matchers and found only this link without any practical examples - RecyclerViewActions.
Then based on already created Matcher<Object> used in onData(...) I've created Matcher<VH> which was not so difficult.
Let's assume each item in RecyclerView adapter has subject, represented by TextView. The below matcher will search for item in RecylerView with unique subject which I provide into matcher. Feel free to use it:
public static Matcher<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>And the possible usage is:withItemSubjectInViewHolder(final String itemSubject) { Checks.checkNotNull(itemSubject); return new BoundedMatcher (RecyclerView.ViewHolder, MyListRecyclerViewItemAdapter.MyViewHolder.class) { @Override public boolean matchesSafely(MyListRecyclerViewItemAdapter.MyViewHolder holder) { boolean isMatches = false; if (!(holder.subject == null)) { isMatches = ((itemSubject.equals(holder.subject.getText().toString())) && (holder.subject.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE)); } return isMatches; } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("with item subject: " + itemSubject.toString()); } }; }
onView(withId(; onView(withId(, click()));
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